श्री. सुभाष दळवी यांनी जी एक नवी पाऊलवाट पाडली, त्याचा हळुहळु हमरस्ता होवु लागला आहे.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
पातळ प्लास्टीकच्या पिशव्यांवरची बंदी काय केवळ पर्यावरणरक्षणासाठीच ?
श्री. सुभाष दळवी यांनी जी एक नवी पाऊलवाट पाडली, त्याचा हळुहळु हमरस्ता होवु लागला आहे.
Friday, November 20, 2009
प्लॅस्टीकच्या कॅरी बॅगचा मोह टाळा
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
रेल्वे स्वच्छता अभियान कसे करावे ?
श्री.सुभाष दळवी यांनी अभ्यास करुन रेल्वे स्थानकं, रेलगाड्या, फलाट आदी स्वछ,सुंदर कसे करावेत व कसे ठेवावेत यासंबंधी फार उपयुक्त, सुचना रेल्वे मंत्रालयाला केल्या आहेत. त्यांनी पाठवलेल्या पत्राचा काही भाग मी येथे प्रकाशीत करत आहे.
आज रेल्वे आपल्या जीवनाचा अविभाज्य भाग आहे. आपल्या आयुष्यातील बराचसा कालावधी आपण रेल्वेनी प्रवास करण्यात घालवतो मग तो लोकल गाडीने असो की बाहेरगावच्या गाड्यांनी. पण आपल्या नशीबी सुखाचा प्रवास फारच क्वचित येतो. गाड्या, फलाट, रेल्वेलाईन केव्हाही पहावे तेव्हा गलीच्छ, अस्वच्छच आढ्ळून येतात.
ही परिस्थिती जर का पालटायची असेल तर --
"As a regular passenger of local train and a national of greater India, I feel that cleanliness and Sanitation of my country is my prime right. I wish to devote necessary time and energy to maintain cleanliness my self and to spread awareness amongst other to keep the station premises clean.
As a National Youth Awardee for cleanliness campaign in Asia's biggest slum; Dharavi and rescue and relief operation in the big disaster of Orrissa cyclone. The work was documented by a film released by Film Division, Government of India. Dharavi-A New Beginning, news magazine 380. I wish to express my following suggestions:
- Railway should have a separate unit or department functioning for Waste management. The said department shall be completely responsible for e entire cleanliness and sanitation on Indian railways.
- Adoption of Railway Stations, Platform can be done by Corporte sectors for maintaining hygine and clealiness.
- For effective Cleanliness and Sanitation' of station area or a platform, adequate quantity of clean water and electricity should be provided.Important terminals and stations shall be provided with mechanized and manual methods of sweeping, cleaning, scrapping, mopping, washing, etc.
- The urinals and toilets shall be maintained neat and clean using adequate phenol and other disinfectant in proportion to the use by the passengers.
- The cleanliness can by tie up with City Corporation for more effectiveness or can be managed by independent Septic tanks and soak pits.
- The permanent way shall have a effective network of drainage and sewerage disposal, wit a tie up with city corporation.
- Out station trains shall have adequate water supply to cleaning of toilet and night soil. For adequate water a source of tube wells and bore wells can be explored.
- Railways should have adequate arrangements of garbage bin for collection of garbage and should arrange a quick and timely disposal/transportation with the co ordination of City Corporation or available disposal arrangementAt ticket booking counters, stations, bridges a red colored litter bin/spit toms should be placed at an interval of 5m minimum, so as to collect the dry garbage collected at such places.
- The roof of platform should be cleaned every month to remove the scales formed on AC Sheet roofs from inside and the litter on the roof top should also be cleaned.
- The walls of the platform should be mopped every 15 days and shall be painted in white colour every six month.
- The existing staff is in adequate to cater the responsibility of cleaning the railway premises, hence railway can tie up or take help from other local and social/ unemployed organisation. Remuneration can be paid to such help on the basis of the work done or an outsourcing agency may be employed.
- A systematic and standard arrangement is required for display of all the advertisement hording/posters/stickers so as to improve the aesthetics of station premisesAs per Indian railway act under section 145B, which deals with nuisance caused by making the premises dirty shall be strongly implemented. Station master and In-charge rail protection force/Railway police shall be held responsible for up keep of the station premises.
- The relevant section in the state Act which deals with nuisance caused by making the premises dirty shall be strongly implemented.There shall be proper co ordination between the local police and the RPF and the local police head shall be made in charge of this responsibility
- The higher authorities shall keep weekly inspection and the station master should keep a daily inspection to ensure the cleanliness of station premises.
- The authorities should involve the employees, RPF, railway police, ticket checkers, coolies, shoe polishers, caterers on platforms, newspaper stall holders, etc. for keeping a watch as well as creating awareness for cleanliness and sanitation.
- Railway Prvashi Mitra Swachta and suraksha samiti should be formed under the leadership of Divisional Railway Manager. The member of the committee shall inspect various railway stations and shall report their finding to the DRM/ station manager.
- The committee should meet every two months to discus on the issues pertaining to cleanliness and safety.
- The passengers of local station should also form a committee which shall brief the station mangers every month. The committee member shall have Identity cards issued by the railways.
- The existing garbage should be removed at one stroke and further a camping for cleanliness and sanitation awareness should be launched.strict action should be taken against unauthorized poster displays/ hand bills distributor and hawkers on railway bridges
- Awareness to keep the premises and railway wagons clean shall be done by the medium of poster/ banner/ sticker/ hording/ central public address system and rail boogie address system, railway cable TV, street play, and passengers.
- During non peak hours, mobile nuisance detection squad shall move in the trains and detect any person which creates nuisance. They shall be equipped with digital cameras to capture evidences.
- The awareness campaign can be run by advertisement for cleanliness on taxis, rickshawsThe station masters and other stake holders in the cleanliness drive shall be suitable categorized and awarded for their performances in cleanliness and sanitation.
- The police officer/station which shall collect maximum number of cases shall be rewarded annually for his/ her effort.the police squad seated for frisking should be given a responsibility of cleanliness
- Portable water should be supplied on every platform. The water tank should be cleaned every 3 months
- The person using railway track as toilets and the slum dwellers which use railway lines to throw liter shall be penalized. The local authorities shall keep a check that garbage and sewage should not come to railway premises.
- CCTV shall be employed on all important terminals.
- Thin Plastic bags, tobacco chewers, and the sale of pan, gutkha, and other unhygienic eatable should be banned.
- The name, designation of the person to be contacted in emergency and the enquiry counters should be placed.
- Rag pickers or any local organisation can be employed to segregation and collection of dry waste. ( pet bottle, etc)
- The cleanliness of the platform shall be done before peak hours i.e 8 am and second sweeping before 5 pm to avoid nuisance during peak hours.
- The commuters make take a pleasant feel before moving to office and after coming from office. Track cleaning can be done during night hours. "
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
तरुण खासदार श्री. मिलींद देवरा व दक्षिण मुंबईतील घरगल्ल्यांच्या समस्या
आमच्या अडीअडचणी सोडवणारे असे खासदार आम्हाला लाभले हे आमचे भाग्य.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
शिवाजी नगर, बोरिवली - फक्त दहा दिवस कायापालट होण्यासाठी
निवडणुकीत दिलेली आश्वासने, वचने ही विनाविलंब पाळण्यासाठीच असतात, हे मुंबईच्या महापौर डॉ. शुभा राऊळ यांनी शिवाजी नगर, बोरीवली मधे सप्रमाण सिध्द करुन दाखवले. योजनेला प्रारंभ केल्यापासुन अवघ्या दहा दिवसात, फक्त दहा दिवसात संपुर्ण शिवाजी नगर स्वच्छ झाले. महापौरांचा पुढाकार, श्री. सुभाष दळवींचे यशस्वी मार्गदर्शन, श्री. बाळकॄष्ण ढमाले, प्रल्हाद नाईक , सरोज ठाकुर, मुकेश सिंग, प्रमोद तिवारी, शिवप्रकाश तिवारी, सुनिता गायकवाड, बाबु शैख, वसंत कुंभेकर, रतन चौधरी, आरती कोरगावकर आदी कार्यकर्त्यांचे कठोर परीश्रम यातुन साकारली सुंदर वसाहत. आज संपुर्ण कायापालट येथे झालेला आहे. गंमत म्हणजे या सर्वाचा खर्च महानगपालीके साठी फक्त शुन्य रुपये आला.
यंदालाच हे शिवाजी नगर महापौरांच्या विभागाला जोडले गेले, या वस्तीत प्रचार करताना , नागरीकांची अस्वच्छ्तेपासुन, घाणीपासुन मुक्तता करण्याचे आपले वचन त्यांनी पाळुन मुंबई समोर आदर्श उभा केला आहे. आज ही वसाहत पाहील्यानंतर कोणे एके काळी याची अवस्था अतिशय वाईट होती हे सांगीतल्यावर विश्वास बसणे कठीण आहे. जर दहा दिवसात हे साकारले गेले तर आपण सर्वांनी मनावर घेतल्यावर आपले शहर सुंदर व स्वच्छ होण्यास वेळ लागणे कठिण आहे.
आज येथे सर्वप्रथम नागरीकांची मानसीकता सभा, घरोघरी प्रचार करुन तसेच पोस्टर्स, स्टिकर्स द्वारे बदलली गेली, मशीदी मधुन शुक्रवारी नमाजाच्या वेळी साफसफाई चे महत्व, "सफाई आधा ईमान" याचा कुराणातील दाखला देत धर्मगुरुंच्या मार्फत सांगीतले गेले, म.न.पा.च्या सर्व खात्यात समन्वय साधत त्यांची मदत घेण्यात आली, पेस्ट कन्ट्रोल करण्यात आले, डासांसाठी धुर फवारणी कण्यात आली, त्यानंतर घाणीचे, मातीचे ढिगरे उपसले गेले, नाले, ड्रेनेज सफाई करण्यात आली, शौचालये साफ करण्यात आली, संडासाच्या तुंबलेल्या टाकीत बी.टी.ऐम. सोल्युशन टाकण्यात आले जेणे करु त्या रित्या झाल्या, दुर्गंधी दुर झाली, पाण्याच्या टाक्या साफ केल्या गेल्या, त्या मुळे रस्तावर नैसर्गीक विधी करणे थांबले, विहीरीतील साठलेला केरकचरा काढला गेला, विहीरीचे पाणी रोजच्या कामासाठी वापरात येवु लागले, प्रत्येक दुकानदारांनी आपल्या दारा समोर लाल रंगाचे डबे ठेवण्यास सुरवात केली , रस्ते वेळच्यावेळी झाडले जावु लागले. कायदे न पाळणाऱ्यांवर दंडात्मक कारवाई करण्यात आली, वैशिष्ट म्हणजे हे सारे येथील नागरीकांनी, लोकसहभागातुन केले. जीवन आधार फाउंडेशनने १५ सफाईमित्र उपलब्ध करुन दिले, ज्यांनी संपुर्ण वस्ती सर्वप्रथम साफ केली, व त्यानंतर ती दररोज साफ ठेवु लागले.
शिवाजी नगरला प्रभाग समीतीच्या अध्यक्षा सौ. सुजाता पाटेकर यांनी भेट दिल्यानंतर, प्रभावीत होत, ह्या पासुन प्रेरणा घेत त्यांनीही आपल्या विभागात ह्याच धर्तीवर स्वच्छता मोहीम राबवायचे ठरवले आहे.
मुळातच नागरीकांना जाणीव करुन देण्याची गरज असते. ही कला श्री. सुभाष दळवींना चांगलीच अवगत आहे. त्यांचे लोकांमधे मिसळणे, लोकांच्या सोईनुसार रात्री, अपरात्री त्यांच्या सभा घेवुन त्यांना चेतावणे (अर्थात चांगल्या कामासाठीच), व हे सारे घडत असताना, साऱ्या कामाचा महापौरांकडुन सतत पाठपुरावा होत असल्यामुळे व सतत आढावा घेणे होत असल्यामुळे हे सारे केवळ दहा दिवसात शक्य झाले.
आणि हो, आता या येथील अस्वच्छतेमुळे होणाऱ्या रोगराईंचे प्रमाणही घटले आहे, याची कबुली तेथेलेच डॉक्टरच देतात.
इंदीरा नगर, लोकमान्य नगर, कुर्ला,
अर्थातच या सर्वामागचे किमयागार आहेत ते श्री.सुभाष दळवी.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
विहीरींच्या शोधात मुंबईकर

लोकसहभाग, नगरसेवक श्री. नितीन सलागरेचा पुढाकार, मुबंई महानगरपालिका, व तिचे अधिकारी श्री सुभाष दळवी यांनी एकत्रपणे महानगरपालिकाच्या दत्तक वस्ती योजने अंतर्गत, महात्मा कबीर नगर, सहार रोड, अंधेरी येथील कचऱ्यानी, गाळानी, पुर्ण भरलेली विहिर दि. २०-०४-०७ ते २३-०४-०७ या केवळ दोन-तीनच दिवसात संपुर्णपणे साफ करुन मुंबई समोर एक आदर्श उभा केला आहे. समाजातील हे सर्व घटक एकत्र येतात तेव्हा जे काही घडते तो चमत्कारच असतो. दोन दिवसात आयुष्यभर कचरा सहन करणारी बिहीर अचानक मोकळा श्वास घेवु लागली आहे, आता तीचा कायमस्वरुपी लाभ घेणार ते जागे झालेले तेथेलेच रहीवासी. अश्या प्रकारचे प्रयत्न तर सर्वत्र व्हायला हवे आहेत.
यापासुन प्रेरणा घेवुन सर्वत्र हे पाण्याचे जुने स्त्रोत साफ केले जातील अशी अपेक्षा.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
मुबई महानगरपालिका -
Praja Foundation works in the area of good governance.We have cooperated with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for many projects including the Citizen's Charter. We have also conducted various performance surveys of the BMC gauging citizen's satisfaction with the BMC. The BMC-Praja Foundation's joint initiative of the Online Complaint Management System (OCMS) is perhaps a world's first in citizen-government partnership for solving public grievances. Inaugurated in April 2003, the OCMS has 2.5 lakh complaints lodged as of date.Praja in association with Janaagraha, a Bangalore based citizens' platform has also implemented the OCMS for the Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board (BWSSB).
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
चमत्कार महात्मा कबीर नगर मधला

Friday, April 20, 2007
बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर नगर, साकी नाका
ह्या कचरा डंपीग ग्राऊंडचे रुपांतर नव्हे कायापालट आपल्या डोळ्यादेखत, आपल्याच प्रयत्नाने एका सुंदरशा उद्यानात झालेले पाहुन मला सांगा का श्रीमती हसीना शेख याचा चेहरा आनंदाने, अभिमानाने खुलुन येणार नाही ? त्यात वरती त्यांनी ह्या जागेत होणारे अतीक्रमण दिवसरात्र पहारा करुन परतुन लावलेले. मग ह्या बागेत भाज्या पिकु लागतात, घरातल्या खरकट्या पासुन खत निर्मीती होते, आपल्या भागात शिवणकामाचे, संगणकाचे वर्ग सुरु होतात, बालवाडी सुरु होते, आपली मुले, मुली एक चांगले जीवन जगायला लागतात, ह्या योजनेमुळे त्यांच्यात आत्मविश्वास निर्माण होतो, मग मला सांगा ...........
तुंगा गाव
पुर्वी म्हणे मी फोटो काढण्यासाठी उभा होतॊ तेथे कचऱ्याचे ढिगच्या ढीग होते, पण तो इतिहास झाला, वर्तमान काळात येथे " घाण दाखवा इनाम मिळवा " ही स्पर्धा घेण्यास हरकत नाही.
महात्मा कबीर नगर
दत्त्क वस्ती योजना आमच्या विभागात सुरु झाली आहे, सर्व रस्ते, नाले साफ झाले आता ह्या विहीरीने तरी का असे रहावे ? स्वच्छ्तेचा शुभारंभ करताना सर्व नागरीक एकत्र आले, श्रीफळ फोडुन निर्धार केला, आता मागे फिरणॆ नाही. ह्यात त्यांना बहुमोलाची साथ मिळली ती स्थानीक नगरसेवकांची
Thursday, April 19, 2007
सकरात्मक द्रुष्टीकोन
अनेक वेळा समाजात बऱ्याच विभागात समविचारी नागरीक एकत्र येउन स्थानिक पातळी वरचे प्रश्न सोडविण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत असतात. त्यांना गरज असते ती मार्गदर्शनाची, मदतीची. आम्ही वर नमुद केलेले काही प्रश्न सोडवण्याकरता सतत महानगरपालिकेत तक्रारी वर तक्रारी करत होतो पण परीणाम शुन्य होता. अश्यावेळी केवळ तक्रारखोर न रहाता सकरात्मक द्रुष्टीकोन ठेवुन महानगरपालिकेसमवेत, वेळप्रसंगी पोलिसांची पण मदत घेउन श्री. सुभाष दळवीच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली यशस्वीरित्या पाच बर्षापुर्वी केवळ सोडवलेच नव्हे तर कायमस्वरुपी दुर केले.
आणि जेव्हा नागरीक ह्या अभिनव लढ्यासाठी रस्तावर उतरतील तेव्हा आपले हे लाडके शहर मस्तपैकी वर्डक्लास झालेले बघायला मिळेल.
माझे म्हणणे हेच आहे दुसऱ्यांवर अबलंबुन राहु नका, आपले प्रश्न आपणच लोकसहभागाने सोडवा.
हे प्रश्न केवळ झोपड्पट्टीतच नसतात तर, तुमच्या आमच्या सारख्या मध्यमवर्गीय रहात असलेल्या, एवढेच काय तर श्रीमंत रहात असलेल्या विभागातही असतात.
रवी किरणांनी दाखवला उजेडाचा मार्ग
२५ ते ३० ट्रक भरतील एवढा कचरा गणेश मैदानात जमा झाला होता. श्री सुभाष दळवीनी पुढाकार घेउन ह्या विभागात दत्तक वस्ती योजना राबवण्यास सुरवात केली. रहिवासी एकत्र आले, मैदान साफ झाले, मुलांना खेळायला कायम स्वरुपी जागा मिळाली, नगरसेवकानी व्रुत्तपत्र वाचनालय, लहान मुलांसाठी मनोरंजनाच्या वस्तु, व एक मंच बांधुन दिला,
हे सारे वाटते तेवढे सोपे नसते, लोकांची जन्मजात सवयी मोडणे, चांगल्या सवयी लावणे ह्या साठी सततचा पाठपुरावा करावा लागतो, नागरीकांत मिसळुन त्याचे प्रश्न जाणुन घेवुन त्याचे निरसन करावयाला लागते, विरोध सहन करायला लागतो, आरोपदोशारोपाला सामोरे जायला लागते, ह्या सफाई कामात पण राजकारण आणले जाते, लोक उपलब्ध असतील तेव्हा जावुन त्यांच्या सभा घ्याव्या लागतात. ह्यासाठी लागते ती अफाट चिकाटी, मने वळवण्याचे कौश्यल्य, प्रामाणीकपणा जो मी श्री. सुभाष दळवीत पाहिला.
अश्या रितीने ह्यात सर्वात जास्त लाभ झाला तो उपवर वधुंवराचा, अस्वच्छ विभागामुळे लग्न जमत नव्हती, अशांची लग्ने जमली, दुसरा फायदा असा की जागांचे, घरांचे भाव वाढले.
सुरुची महिला मंडळ.
सर्व ठिकाणाच्या स्वच्छ्तेच्या समस्या जवळजवळ सारख्याच असतात. घरातील घाण, कचरा, खरकटे, रस्तावर आपणच भिरकवुन द्यायचे, लहान मुलांना नैसर्गिक विधी साठी घराबाहेर दारात, रस्तावर बसवायचे, त्यात परत आपण काही गैर करतो आहे ह्याची जाणीव नसणे व त्यात आपले कोणी काय वाइट करणार ही मग्रुर व्रुत्ती, गटारे नाले सर्व घाणीने भरलेली, सांडपाणि साठलेले, उदीर, घुशी, डास. अनारोग्य, पावसाळ्यात निसर्ग हे सारे तुम्हालाच परत करणार, ही घाण, सांडपाण्यासकट तुमच्याच घरात परत येणार.
नकोसे झालेले हे सारे दुष्टचक्र भेदण्याचे सुरुची महिला मंडळाच्या महिलांनी ठरवले, इच्छा तर होती पण मार्ग सापडत नव्ह्ता, नगरसेवक, पालिका अधिकारी अनेकांची दारे ठोठवुन झाली, पण ....... ? अखेरीस त्यांना अंधारात दिवा सापडला, त्याची भेट श्री. सुभाष दळवीशी झाली मग सुरु झाला क्रांतीचा मार्ग. आता परत फिरणे नाही, स्थानिकांच्या बैठका वर बैठका श्री दळवींनी घेण्यास सुरवात केली, काय केले पाहीजे, कसे केले पाहिजे ह्या संबधी योग्य मार्गदर्शन केले, सर्व महिला पुढे सरसावल्या, घरोघरी जावुन प्रबोधन केले, नागरीकांनी श्रमदानाने, पालिका सफाइ कामगारांच्या मदतीने, कचऱ्याचे डोंगर उपसले, नाले साफ केले, जीवन जगण्याची एक नव्याने सुरवात झाली.
स्वच्छ्तेचे नियम करण्यात आले, रस्तावर, नाल्यात पडणारा कचरा, कचराकुंडीत ठरावीक वेळेत जमा होण्यास सुरवात झाली, नियम मोडणाऱ्यांवर कडक कारवाइ करण्यात आली, रस्ता बळकवलेल्या दुकानदारांवर , मॅकॅनीकवर कारवाइ झाली रस्ता मोकळा झाला.अनेक मान्यवरांनी प्रेमनगरला भेट देवुन सुरुची महिला मंडळाचे कौतुक केले.
आपण ह्या पासुन कधी बोध घेणार ?
होत आहे रे आधी केलेची पाहिजे.
आणि अश्यारितीने त्यांनी मार्ग दाखवला
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
पर्यावरण - जतन व संरक्षण
a) The environment is a core issue and needs to be imbibed in the minds of the people so that he action so taken remains comprehensive, remains continued and ultimately benefits the next generation to come. The experience that of Dharavi, that of Parle Market and others revealed that lot of persuasion is needed with entering efforts to pursue the local citizens and where ultimately the student community was involved at every stage.
b) All this experience has given him new ideas that if the problem of environment is to be directly handled then student community is the effective media as they are soft target. It is also a fact that this community can be easily persuaded and roped in for the environment issue and
therefore, Dalvi has taken a pragmatic decision to deal directly with student community to propagate the message on the large scale.
c) In the first phase of operation, he had selected teenage group of school going children. He went to the school, interacted with small group to carve out the strategy and methodology. Even at the first stage he got encouraging response from all barring none. Rather than discussing the issue, he preferred to have live demonstration on the floor and also held debates, competition, rallies and whatever means acceptable to them. To propagate first lesson of environment and eco-cycle, he had selected vermiculture as a core issue though students are being told in the classes about worms who are considered closest friend of the society in the nature. However, it is also true in the urban life style where students are not aware of natural eco-cycles. Many live
demonstrations and discussions were held about the vermiculture. Students realized importance of worms in the natural eco-cycle. They were also informed about the types of worms which really functions in the nature for conversion of bio-mass into manure. Lot of interest was developed in the students community about worms and vermiculture techniques which was one of the major successes.
d) Along with the first lesson of environment, he went on introducing another important concept that of segregation of garbage. He called many experts, held debates and discussions with various groups. The message was given that the environment is being damaged when the garbage is disposed off in a mixed form. But if it is separated then job of Municipal Corporation becomes more easy and economical. It was also realized that Rackpickers, a neglected part of the society could be brought in this experiment. Certainly elder minds always come out with many problems but the experience with the students was different. There was positive response from the school students as well as from the teachers and many schools have adopted the programme and assured the action. To make environmental issue live, many competitions were
arranged that of debates, that of drawings, banner paintings where many NGOs were ready to sponsor. But more striking feature was that big rallies were arranged in the locality displaying boards, carrying environmental messages requesting the society. Obviously, if one student is convinced, he can convince other 10 students, his family members, his friends and the people of the locality. Naturally students do not try to find the excuse but accept good ideas which is not true in the case of higher age groups. It was, therefore, a very good experiment with assured success. In this experiment, 200 schools with over 5 lac children participated. This programme of creating awareness towards environment has become a part of their curricular activity and is being continued even today.
e) The same message about the environment also got acknowledgement from the student community but from the colleges. He thought of coming out with new techniques with the college students. So he roped in NSS Wing at the University level. He interacted with the management of Mumbai University, that of SNDT Women’s University, well-known Social Service Organization like AGNI who has got effective manpower and other resources. He has also realized that dealing with college students is different than to deal with school going children. But on the other hand, he was also knowing that if students of the colleges are convinced then obviously society can have maximum benefits of their involvement.
f) He had persuaded the matter through NSS, AGNI and others. He received overwhelming response from 70 colleges. The striking feature was that NSS with college students participation not only received the message, but also understood the problems and accepted the challenge of propagating and perusing various issues at the ground level.
g) Depending upon the need of the society, importance of the environmental issues, NSS wing with college students have adopted the area around the colleges to make it clean, green and also to protect environment and other social issues.
h) It may also be enlightened here that protection of environment campaign at the school and college levels received tremendous response and became integral part of their curricular and social activities. Only efforts were required to divert their potential energy towards social cause. He received the success even in this field because of his consistency, because of his background, because of his selfless commitments to the society and environment.
दत्तक वस्ती योजना
a) The city of Mumbai is known as financial city of India and also has recognition at the international level. This is one of the richest metro cities and where few rich people are enjoying all sorts of luxuries and comforts. However, it is a hard fact that 55% of the population is 11 million is living in a sub-human and pitiable condition and we are deprived of basic civic amenities and facilities. Along with economical growth, migration of the people took place. On an average, there is 10% rise in terms of population in Mumbai and maximum of which try to settle
on footpaths or on the vacant place. This is bringing financial constraints to the Civic Authority and Govt. and therefore, one cannot get the solution on this. The social scientists cannot remain comfortable if the solution towards large mass is evaded for one reason or other. The city is not only for the rich but also for the poor people. They cannot deprive from the basic services. Addressing the problem of slum and that too for 60.00 lac of people with many small or big slums and dense population cannot be shelved but should be solved.
b) Dharavi experiment has given a ray of hope by way of building up people’s participation and bringing the level of confidence within the community itself. If the health and hygiene and sanitation problem of slum is not solved then many social scientists were thinking seriously that entire community is also placed under danger. A person like Subhash Dalvi had tried to find out the solution as he had better access in understanding the minds of slum dwellers. He therefore worked out novel experiment of Dattak Vasti Yojna (Adoption of slum). This philosophy of Dattak Vasti Yojna is more relevant to the preaching of Sant Gadge Maharaj who had worked for this class of people. This philosophy also is more resembling with Gandhian philosophy.
It is a bigger module and that too for many areas. Dalvi and his team went into the different locality and convinced the people to unite themselves within the geographical boundaries and formulate a cohesive group, which can work for them. Thus the concept of Community Based
Organization (CBO) evoked. This concept was to deliver the services to the people on the principle of co-operative movement or principle of democracy. At the initial stage individual family was to contribute Rs.5/- to Rs. 7/- depending upon their need and conviction which was to be deposited in the bank.
d) The idea was that CBO will work out need of the service which is to be taken care for the benefit of the society and that of garbage removal, (Area Adoption Scheme) cleanliness, disposal of waste, water supply, cleaning of nallah etc. However, CBO will take some time build up their confidence and organizing capacity and also management of the services. To reciprocate this idea, Administration was also convinced to provide some matching
grant for procurement of material initially required and to create awareness and favourable public opinion.
e) With the series of discussions with CBO, NGO, Civic Authority, a modality was worked out wherein it was agreed that initially a population gathering of 1000 will get Rs.1200/- per month for initiation of the project during first year and this grant will be reduced next year where they will be entitled to get Rs.900/-.
f) Idea was that once this grant is available, slowly & gradually these services shall be managed by CBO through their own resources but ultimately the objective was to provide good sanitation and clean environment.
g) It is also important to mention here that most of such slums are on the Govt. or Private lands and may be illegal in status and therefore, Civic Administration cannot provide the services legitimately, which was one of the major hurdles.
h) Obviously, during this experiment the community also realized the importance of their personal health and that of their children, which need to be protected by them and for which they must work together and where CBO was most acceptable media. Today the concept of slum adoption has virtually become a major policy for the Corporation and that too with pragmatic and sincere efforts. This concept was welcomed by the Press, Politicians, mass and the social scientists. Candidly speaking, Civic Administration or the Govt. has got no alternative to accept this as a policy not only for Mumbai but for other cities all over India.
i) The broad guidelines deriving the concept are simple to be understood but needs constant efforts and persuasion to implement. Following are some of the basic advantages, which have been enjoyed by the citizens:
The garbage removal service was improved as citizens were collecting the garbage in their own premises and were required to deposit it at a pre-determined time in a bin which in turn was collected by Municipal machinery.
Flooding of Nallahs, open drain etc. was practically reduced or eliminated
The open space in the slums or around was converted into play ground for children and surrounding become cleaner and greener
Question of obnoxious smell was reduced to the maximum extent ensuring clean environment
Nuisance of stray animals like dogs, cows, pigs was reduced to large extent. Because of clean environment and continuous education, health and hygiene of the citizens have been much improved which in turn brought reduction in medical bill may be to the extent of Rs. 500 – 1000
Most of the services that of cleanliness, plumbing and others were arranged through local unemployed youths and as such better job opportunity and self employment to the youths.
In many potential areas, ladies groups were involved to work with selfemployment and to promote Self-Help Group. The broad outline of Self Help Group was to work and interact with each other for better harmony, understanding and to share the responsibility.
This has provided better opportunity to work on common platform keeping away their personal differences, which normally so far have been exploited by the politicians.
This Project covers 812 Slum Pockets out of 1959 Slum Pockets in Mumbai which covers nearly 25 Lacks Populations.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
निर्माल्य कलश.
ह्या परिस्थित धार्मिक भावना लक्षात घेवुन श्री सुभाष दळवींनी एक अभिनव योजना आखली. त्याचे नाव होते निर्माल्य कलश योजना. त्या अंतर्गत एक मोठा कलश चॊपाटीवर ठेवला गेला. मुर्ती विसर्जनापुर्वी निर्माल्य त्यात जमा केले जाते व ते खत बनवण्यासाठी पाठवले जाते. पाण्याचे होणारे प्रदुषण अश्या रितीने थांबले व दुसऱ्या दिवशी जागा साफ करण्याची जरुरी पण उरली नाही.
धारावी - आशिया खंडातली सर्वात मोठी झोपडपट्टी सुधारताना
The footage of experiment was really commenced on 18-10-1997 when Shree Subhash Dalvi went around many slum areas to interact with the local masses to understand their problems, to win their confidence and to assure them positive results. He went on addressing the group meetings in 3 months or 90 days. He addressed 175 such meetings, which comes to practically 4 meetings a day. The meeting used to start at 6.00 AM and last meeting used to get over sometimes in midnight or even beyond that. Time schedule of the meeting was carved out according to the conveniency of the local people and free time available to them. He was adjusting the meetings according to the need and mood of the people and probably that is one of the reasons of key of his success. He initially studied the psychology of the people and where religion and faith plays an important role in their social life. Similarly, police personnel are highly recognized and respected in the locality. He prepared a strategy of mixing of religion and police stations together to propagate his ideas and concept of cleanliness, which provided major breakthrough.
ladies and children. Rather than getting the work done through Municipal agencies, he conceived the idea of Shramadan (Local participation of the people). This was necessary as cleanliness in the area was supposed to be maintained by the local people themselves and where dependency in other agency may not have worked as such arrangement cannot be permanent.
of taking responsibility of maintaining cleanliness. Slowly and gradually, one by one locality went on changing. The small experiment worked out to be big change in 3 months period. It is pertinent to highlight the mindset of Administration prior to this experiment. Administration was not ready to spend the funds, as many of the areas were not under Municipal jurisdiction. In many of such areas, civic services were not the legitimate duty of Municipal Authority. Because
of diagnostically opposite ideas and situation, the problems went on increasing. However, this experiment brought a change. Administration was willing to part the funds if it is one-time efforts. This formula worked and therefore, there was sea change in the area. One time dirty and ugly Dharavi was transformed into a reasonably good area. These efforts had been appreciated at all levels.
The problem of contaminated water was reduced by way of repair of pipes, re-aligning the same and taking remedial measures. The health standard of people has been improved because of environmental change in the surrounding and thus reduction in medical bills. Intensity of flood was reduced in many flood prone ares. More positive attitude was developed by Police Personnel and Municipal authority towards community. ¨ Dharavi got recognition in the Press, TV Media and as such it was a moment of pride to the community which had changed their attitude.
The Film Division had made the Documentary Film on Dharavi under Mr.Subhash Dalvi titling “Dharavi – a New Beginning” (H.M.380).
प्लास्टीकचा भस्मासुर हद्द्पार करण्यासाठी
दर वर्षी पावसाळ्यात रस्तांवर पाणी तुंबले की मग ओरड सुरु होते ती , पाण्याचा निसरा होण्याच्या मार्गांमद्धे अडकलेल्या, आम्हीच बेजबाबदारपणे, बेदरकारपणे फेकलेल्या प्लास्टीकच्या पिशव्यांविरुद्ध. त्यात भर पडते ती भाजीपाल्याच्या कचऱ्याची. दुर्गंधी तर विचारु नका.
कायद्याने तर आता २० मायक्रोन पेक्षा कमी जाडीच्या पिशव्यावर बंदी आणली आहे. कायदा करु शकत नाही ते सहजशक्य करुन दाखवले , गॅटरोड रेल्वे स्थानकाबाहेरील, नानाचौक जवळील भाजी गल्लीतील भाजी विक्रेतांनी. ही भाजी मंडई मुंबईतील सर्वात मोठी असावी. जवळजवळ दोन-अडिचशे भाजी विक्रेते प्लास्टीकच्या पिशव्या हद्दपार करण्यासाठी श्री सुभाष दळवींनी एकत्र आणले. ०१-०४-२००२ पासुन प्लास्टीकच्या पिशव्या विक्रेतांनी ग्राहकांना देणे बंद केले. हे सर्व भाजीविक्रेत्यांना समजवुन सांगण्यासाठी श्री. दळवींना खुप प्रयास करावयाला लागले त्या साठीचे आमिष होते प्लास्टीकच्या पिशव्यांसाठी दरोरोजचे खर्च करायला लागणारे ५० ते ६० रुपये, ( महिन्याला दीड हजार) वाचवणे व ते बचत करणे.
भाजी देण्यास कापडी पिशव्या शिवण्यात आल्या, त्यातुन मानसी महिला मंडळाला रोजगार मिळाला, ह्या कापडी पिशव्या ग्राहकांना नाममात्र १० रुपायाची अनामत रक्कम घेवुन देण्यात आल्या. भाजीचा कचरा जो रोज रस्तावर पडायचा तो साठवण्यासास वर्गणी काढुन हिरव्या रंगाचे प्रत्येक विक्रेत्यासाठी डबे आणले गेले. डब्यात साठलेला कचरा उचलणे महानगरपालिकेस सोपे पडु लागले तो रोजच्या रोज उचलु लागला.
आणि बघता बघता मुबंई समोर भाजी गल्लीने एक आदर्श ठेवला.
समस्या घरगल्लीची यशस्वीरित्या सोडवण्यासाठी
पुर्वीचा हा नमुना
घरगल्ली म्हणजे दोन इमारती मधील मोकळी, रहिवाशांची घरात नको असणाऱ्या वस्तु , केरकचरा टाकण्याची हक्काची जागा, पिढ्यानपिढ्या ह्या जागेत कचरा टाकला जातो, तो साफ करण्यासाठी त्यात सफाई कामगार पण जावु शकत नाही, डोक्यावर काय पडेल, आपला पाय कशावर पडेल ह्याचा नेम नाही. आपले जीवन का बरे सफाई कामगारानी धोक्यात घालवे? मग आयुष्यभर ती घाण तशीच साठवली जाते, त्यात भर पडते इमारतीच्या फुटलेल्या की फोडलेल्या सांडपाण्याचा पाईपातुन पडणाऱ्या पाण्याची. मग ह्यात निर्माण होते ते मच्छर, घुशी राज्य. त्यात भर म्हणुन हयातुने गेलेले पिण्याचे पाईप घरात सांडपाणी मिसळत पिण्यावे पाणि आणतात, ह्यातुन मग ह्या सर्वांचा परीणाम म्हणुन पसरते ती रोगराई.
आमची ह्या पासुन सुटका करण्यासाठी आम्ही श्री. सुभाष दळवींची मदत घेतली. पहिल्याच झालेल्या सभेत श्री. सुभाष दळवींनी आपल्या वाणीने सर्व नागरीकांना मोहीत केले, प्रेरीत केले, आपला विभाग स्वच्छ करण्यासाठी झपाटुन टाकले.
ह्या दरम्यान ते रात्री अपरात्री केव्हाही ते आमच्या गल्लीत आतापर्यंत झालेल्या कामाचा आढावा घेण्यासाठी अकस्मात हजर व्हायचे, मध्यरात्रीस दुरध्वनी करुन झोपेतुन उठवुन दुसऱ्या दिवशीचा बेत ठरवायचे. हे झोपतात का नाही असा प्रश्न पडायचा. त्याचा दुरध्वनी आला की समजायचे हे आता आपल्याला कामाला जुंपणार. पण हे काम असायचे आपल्या समाजासाठी, स्वःतासाठी वैयक्तिक स्वार्थ ह्यात कोठेच नसायचा.
मग जे घडले ती एक क्रांती होती. दुसऱ्या दिवसापासुन सर्वांनी घरगल्लीत कचरा टाकणे बंद केले, नागरीकांनी गटारात उतरुन ती साफ केली, १५-२०-२५ वर्षे साठलेला कचरा उपासला गेला, मुबंई महानगरपालिकेच्या मदतीने तो उचलला गेला, सांडपाण्याचे पाईप दुरुस्त केले गेले. घरगल्लीत टाकला जाणारा कचरा रोज घरात साठवु जावु लागला, रोज सकाळी दोन तास तो जमा करण्यासाठी डबे ठेवले जावु लागले, महानगरपालिका रोजच्या रोज ओला कचरा उचलु लागली, फोर्स नामक कचरा वेचणाऱ्याच्या संघटनेची मदत घेतली गेली. जमादार सुका कचरा घेउन जावु लागला, त्याला रोजीरोटी मिळाली.
ह्यात सर्वात मोठा सहभाग होता तो लहान मुलांनी केलेल्या लगान टिमचा. नागरीकांना सभेसाठी घरोघरी जावुन रस्तावर ऊतवण्यापासुन ते रस्तावर गस्त ठेवित, कचरा टाकणाऱ्यांना पकडुन पोलिस स्टेशन मध्ये नेण्यापासुन किंवा त्यांना आपणच ऊठाबशी काढणे, घाण साफ करणे ह्यासारखा शिक्षा देण्यात.
तात्पर्य काय तर जो पर्यंत तुम्हाला भयानकतेची जाणिव होत नाही तो पर्यंत तुम्ही झोपलेलेच असता पण जेव्हा श्री, सुभाष दळवींसारखी वक्ती ती जाणिव करुन देते तेव्हा तुम्ही झोपुच शकत नाहीत. अंधाराचा मुकाबला करण्यासाठी समई पेटवावीच लागते, तेथे तर मशालच पेटवली गेली.
दळवी पॅटन
नागरिकांना स्वच्छ्ता मोहीमेत सहभागी करुन घेण्यासाठी गरज आहे ते उदासिनतेवर मात करुन अधिकारी वर्ग, नगरसेवक, आमदार यांनी लोकांपर्यंत जाण्याची. (राजकारण बाजुला ठेवुन)
ह्या विषयातील सखोल माहिती असणे जेवढे आवश्यक आहे तेवढीच काहीतरी करण्याची तळमळ ही. नागरीकांकडे जा, त्याच्यांत मिसळा, त्याना समजवा, सायंकाळी त्याच्या सभा घ्या, त्याचे मतपरिवर्तन करा , सातत्य रहावे म्हणुन सतत पाठपुरावा करा, त्यासाठी सर्व यंत्रणेची मदत घ्या, मोहिम यशस्वी होणारच.
हे सर्व मी श्री. सुभाष दळवींना करतांना पाहिले आहे, परंतु एकट्या व्यक्तीच्या कामाला मर्यादा येतात. जर ह्या दळवी पॅटनने बोध घेत कामे झाली तर आपण मुंबईचे शांघाय करण्याची स्वप्ने बघणार नाही, जग आपला आदर्श डोळ्यापुढे ठेवेल.